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A day of hope for Gaza and potential to end over two million people being systematically deprived of essentials to live.

Medical stations in Northern Gaza will be funded through continuation of GOAL partnership with Palestinian NGO, Taawon

Amel Association responding in South Lebannon

GOAL, in partnership with Lebanese NGO, Amel International, has provided healthcare services to 9,000 displaced people caught in Lebanese-Israel crossfire, since last Nov

GOAL joins call to resume critical donor funding to UNRWA supporting needs of over 2m people in war-torn Gaza, as Irish Government reaffirms its commitment to sustained funding

Humanitarian aid workers are pinning their hopes on Parliamentarians to broker an immediate and sustained ceasefire

Gaza Crisis: GOALies Supporting Palestinian Families in Need

Irish NGOs come together to call for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, West Bank and Israel

GOAL partners with Palestinian NGO, Taawon, to scale delivery of critical aid, including fresh food, into war-ravaged Gaza.

GOAL partners with Lebanese NGO, Amel Association International, to fund immediate humanitarian aid and healthcare services for citizens of South Lebanon impacted by the cross-border conflict.

Young girl cries with father among rubble in Gaza Crisis

In wake of dramatic escalation of violence and loss of civilian life in Israel and Gaza, GOAL mounts humanitarian aid scoping mission in Lebanon