Why this goal?
Even in today's world, health inequalities and stark regional variations exist. These require continued attention, commitment and intervention if the third Sustainable Development Goal (Improved Health and Well-Being) is to be addressed.
From humanitarian aid to long-term health
GOAL's Resilient Health programme is underpinned by our commitment to health service development in fragile contexts. This means improving access to responsive, resilient systems that provide quality, efficient and accessible health, nutrition and WASH services - all whilst helping people learn how to improve their own well-being.
To do this, GOAL focuses on building resilient public and community systems that not only respond to the needs of people they serve, but that also address the root causes of ill health. GOAL prioritises working with communities to explore social, cultural and institutional barriers, with each programme drawing on proven inclusion, social and behaviour change methodologies.

How will GOAL achieve this?
GOAL will strengthen the capacity of health, nutrition and WASH systems to deliver quality and accessible services. To do this we are committed to:
- Identifying the risks, gaps and permanent actors in local health systems.
- Enabling existing systems to provide critical health emergency response focusing on support to the health/ nutrition systems under stress, services for acute malnutrition and emergency WASH.
- Strengthening the quality of health services, including WASH and nutrition.
- Strengthening the preparedness and response capacities of national agencies and high-risk communities for health-related crises.
- Ensuring access to protection services as an integral part of health responses.
- Conducting health assessments to analyse community level health resilience including maternal and child health, reproductive health, and family planning.
- Improving the nutritional status of high-risk individuals, throughout infancy, childhood, adolescence and into adulthood, through community-based approaches.
- Using a range of evidence-based social behaviour change approaches to improve the use of sustainable and safe water, sanitation and hygiene services in rural and urban low-income communities.
- Collaborating with key stakeholders to influence local and national policies and regulations in support of community and systems resilience to health-related shocks.
Stories: Resilient Health in action
People Have Resilient Health

Delivering effective, sustainable health outcomes
GOAL responds to health emergencies, which can often transition into longer-term chronic
humanitarian health crises.
These health programmes are underpinned by support to the development of health services in fragile contexts, improving access to responsive, resilient systems that can provide quality, accessible and efficient health, nutrition and WASH services, alongside an enhanced ability for people to care for their own well-being.