GOAL’s Commitment to Safeguarding
GOAL is committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of all individualsand preventing any form of harm, abuse, or exploitation, irrespective of gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, colour, sex, language, religion, political affiliation, nationality, or social status. We recognise the heightened vulnerability of our programme participants, especially women, girls, and boys, and we take seriously our responsibility to implement all reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure their safety and protection.
Safeguarding in GOAL
GOAL’s Code of Conduct outlines the expected behavior of all GOAL staff in how they conduct themselves and carry out programme activities. It clearly defines acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and is a key element of our Safeguarding framework, forming part of the contractual obligations for all GOAL staff, volunteers, and partners.
GOAL is committed to upholding safeguarding across its work through three core pillars: prevention, reporting, and response.
- Prevention: To prevent harm, GOAL ensures that all staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities, implements risk assessments to protect vulnerable individuals, and works with Safeguarding Managers to review these risks.
We also implement strict recruitment procedures to ensure that all partners and contractors meet safeguarding requirements. - Reporting: GOAL provides safe, accessible, and appropriate channels for reporting safeguarding concerns, available to both staff and the communities we serve.
Staff who report concerns through whistleblowing channels, or upon request, will be protected under GOAL’s Whistleblowing Policy. GOAL also welcomes complaints from external sources, including the public, partners, and official bodies. - Response: Upon learning of an alleged breach of the GOAL Child and Adult Safeguarding Policy, GOAL will take immediate action to protect individuals from retaliation, conduct timely investigations, and report to relevant authorities as required.

Do You Have a Safeguarding Concern?
GOAL is committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of all and preventing harm, abuse and exploitation regardless of age, ability or disability, gender identity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.
Any safeguarding concern or suspicion is treated with the utmost seriousness by GOAL.
Confidentiality is maintained at all stages of the reporting process and reports can be made anonymously if you wish.
Maintaining a Culture of Safeguarding
Safeguarding Focal Points
In every country where GOAL works, there is a Safeguarding Focal Point, who leads the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy and is responsible for developing an annual Safeguarding Action Plan.
Safeguarding Focal Points play a critical role in ensuring that safeguarding measures are integrated into all areas of GOAL's programmes and operations by delivering context-specific training to technical experts.
Safeguarding Focal Points ensure that all staff are trained on safeguarding issues, including how to recognize, prevent, and report safeguarding incidents. This includes providing orientation to new staff and conducting regular refresher courses.
Safeguarding Focal Points also establish and maintain reporting mechanisms that allow staff, project participants, and community members to report safeguarding concerns confidentially and safely.

GOAL has a full-time Global Safeguarding Advisor, and a Director of the Board is designated Safeguarding Focal Point at Board level. The Board Safeguarding Focal Point briefs the Board on safeguarding trends and concerns across GOAL, and applies a safeguarding lens to all Board activities.
Senior leadership commitment is a critical element of an effective safeguarding approach. GOAL's Global Safeguarding Advsor has direct and regular contact with key members of the Senior Management Team. This direct line of communication allows the Global Safeguarding Advisor to raise any concerns directly with our CEO and senior management, who can then take action.
Safeguarding is also a standing agenda item at GOAL's monthly Regional Directors meeting, and monthly Country Directors meeting.
Safe, Accountable & Inclusive Programming
As an organisation committed to Safe, Accountable and Inclusive Programming (SAIP), we place people at the centre of our programmes. Our programmes adapt and respond to the priorities, preferences and needs of those we engage with, and they promote equitable access and transformative change.
The people we work with are aware of and understand their rights and entitlements, and the behaviours they can expect from GOAL, and feel empowered to report their concerns. We seek out, listen and respond to feedback and concerns for our target groups in an appropriate, timely and survivor-centred manner.
We aim to ensure that children and adults are safe from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of exclusion, abuse, sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm.
Safeguarding in Partnership
GOAL is responsible for ensuring that our local project implementation partners meet minimum safeguarding standards. Local partners should have a code of conduct, a safeguarding policy, a safeguarding focal point, and clear reporting and investigation procedures.
GOAL also supports local partners in strengthening their safeguarding practices, as needed.
Want to learn more? Read Building a Culture of Safeguarding with Local Partners: MUCOBADI
Policies and Resources
GOAL's Child and Adult Safeguarding Policy serves as an umbrella policy under which sit the more specific policies, GOAL’s Child Protection Policy and GOAL’s Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment Policy (PSEAH). Together, these policies provide a robust approach to ensuring that GOAL remains a safe organisation for everyone. These policies also align with the , which outlines the conduct expected by all GOAL Members.
Other related policies include GOAL Whistleblowing Policy, GOAL Gender Equality Policy and Strategy, GOAL Risk Management Policy, GOAL Employee Handbook, GOAL Dignity at Work Policy, and GOAL Social Media and Online Messaging Policy