July 13, 2021 • 2 min read
Welcoming new life into this world is a source of joy and celebration. However, lack of accessibility to appropriate services and adequate infrastructure can endanger both mother and child. Like a shadow of pain and sorrow looming over too many families.
Committing for better mother and child health
Although Niger is one of the world’s poorest countries, country authorities are working to end maternal and neonatal mortality. On a regional level, the government of Niger is following guidelines compiled by the African Union. On the international level, the country has subscribed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), committing to improve mother and child health.
With a political desire for change, existing regional and international policy, and the generous support of the Irish government through Irish Aid everything was in place for our GOALies to start their work.
Supporting local maternity clinics
In the Mirriah and Gouré districts of the Zinder region, GOAL staff is deployed on several fronts. They raise awareness on the issue, directly monitor pregnant women in the communities, set up mobile clinics and train the fantastic and dedicated local health staff. Additionally, the support provided includes improving the infrastructure of maternity clinics. This ensures the best quality of service possible for families at this very special moment of their lives.

Donation of equipment to Mirriah health district made possible with Irish Aid funding
GOAL staff work with 13 health centres in the Mirriah district. In June 2021, teams helped deliver technical equipment such as delivery tables, obstetric stethoscopes, tensiometers and many other tools to support the medical staff with their vital work.

Dr Fatouma Zara is working with GOAL to support local communities
Dr Abou Lawali Chaikaraou Fatouma Zara, Chief Medical Officer of the district expressed her gratitude: “Once again we thank the Irish Government through GOAL and hope that this support will continue. Thanks to you!” We hope to live up to their expectations and are honoured to be there for the very first steps of future generations.