August 30, 2017 • 2 min read
In 2017 we have already reached over 16,000 children across our two camps in Gambella. Over 12,000 people are directly benefitting from our nutrition and water programming in the Afar region.
"In 2017, with funding from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and the US Department of State (BPRM), GOAL continues to provide life-saving nutrition and water services to vulnerable South Sudanese and Eritrean refugees in four camps in Ethiopia."
Situated along the border with South Sudan, the Gambella region is host to more than 300,000 South Sudanese refugees who have fled conflict in their home country. GOAL is operational in two of these camps, Tierkadi and Kule, ensuring the most vulnerable groups (children under five, and pregnant and lactating women) have access to essential life-saving nutrition services.
In conjunction with the Ethiopian Government’s refugee agency (ARRA), we are screening for, referring, treating and managing moderate and acute malnutrition through supplementary feeding programmes, out-patient therapeutic treatment programmes, and 24-hour in-patient facilities for malnourished children with medical complications. In addition, we work with vulnerable groups to prevent malnutrition from occurring in the first place by educating mothers on best infant and young child feeding practices, and distributing blanket food rations.
In 2017 we have already reached over 16,000 children across our two camps in Gambella.
In the Afar region, in the north of Ethiopia, GOAL is working in Berhale and Asayita camps to address the water, sanitation and nutrition needs of Eritrean refugees. GOAL is responsible for the water supply to Berhale camp so vulnerable communities have access to safe and sufficient water for drinking, cooking and washing. We have built community and household latrines and conducted hygiene promotion amongst the community through our dedicated outreach workers, all of whom are selected from the refugee community. In addition we run life-saving nutrition programmes in both camps.
Over 12,000 people are directly benefitting from our nutrition and water programming in the Afar region.
Ethiopia is host to one of the largest refugee populations in Africa – almost one million people. The government maintains an open-door policy to refugees fleeing conflict, poverty, human rights abuse, and food insecurity. These refugees often arrive in terrible conditions, suffering from disease, malnutrition and trauma. GOAL works to ensure that they have a life with dignity and access to services.
Without the generous support from our donors and public supporters, the services GOAL Ethiopia provides to refugees would not be possible.Screening at Berhale Refugee campLatrines at Berhale refugee camp