How we brought global issues to the University of Limerick - GOAL Global Skip to content

How we brought global issues to the University of Limerick


February 10, 2020 • 3 min read

Danial Sabourin-Leduc is a Marketing Masters student at the University of Limerick.. GOAL asked his class in September 2019 to develop marketing campaigns that would deliver GOAL’s values to the campus. Here Danial writes about his experience working on this project and highlighting global issues.

by Danial Sabourin-Leduc

After we received a briefing from Eamon Sharkey, GOAL Global Head of Fundraising and Marketing, the class was divided into two groups: one to  focus on global issues and the other on local issues. My team was allocated global issues with a focus on Climate Change. I first became aware of Climate Change in geography class in 2006, however all the noise surrounding the topic has desensitised me to the issue over the years. I found myself wondering how I could talk about Climate Change when I could barely explain it myself!


While researching the topic, I discovered the various ways Climate Change is changing the world around us. What struck me most is the continuous shift in temperature which has enabled mosquitoes, ticks and other vector-born carriers to acclimatise further north, further spreading disease such as malaria. This is shocking to me. I know that my efforts are not going to be in vain and that each one of us has the power to create change. We have been overwhelmed with frightening facts and figures relating to a wide scope of  causes worldwide. I can honestly say I became immune to the updates because I couldn’t understand it, and was never sure if I was receiving information from a credible source. I have to wonder how many other people were in the same position? For that reason, my group decided we must work to re-sensitise people to the issue of Climate Change.

We decided on a campaign to educate people on the affects of Climate Change around the world, regardless of their knowledge on the topic. There are various levels of understanding on the climate crisis. Some people do not know where to start and for that reason are unsure where to begin their involvement. Other people dedicate their life to the cause but may have lost sight of the current climate.


The campaign was broken into three sections: a social media campaign, a live event, and post-event round-up. The social media campaign was launched on Instagram and Facebook where we had a total of 20,500 followers. On these platforms we provided information on the various affects of climate change in order to educate people on how we can make a global difference. Each day we shared relevant information on Climate Change and actions we all can take to combat the climate crisis.

Social media proved key in promoting our GOAL Mile event in UL, and we were really pleased with the attendance. We include live music, food and sustainable prizes to create a really positive atmosphere and discuss why it is so important to be aware of global issues. Those in attendance were invited to measure their carbon footprint via an online calculator as part of the event. Attendees were shocked at the impact they are having on the environment. One group was in shock to find out they would need to plant between 150-250 trees planted each year to offset their carbon footprint.

Calculate your Carbon Footprint here

At their event reusable cups were gifted to those in attendance to encourage the use of reusable plastic. Speakers included Sinead McDonnell, the Environment Awareness & Education Officer for Limerick City Council and members of the UL’s Environmental Society. They appealed to attendees to make local efforts towards fighting Climate Change.

This and the GOAL Mile at UL  were incredible successes and demonstrated that the students of UL are looking to take action against Climate Change. Every step brings us closer to a greener environment, no matter how small.

Our classmates also accomplished a lot with their campaign for local issues.. There were similarities in how we both used social media for our messaging, and how both groups were mindful not to overload followers with information. The other students highlighted the severity of plastic usage and how is affecting the environment.