Iraq - GOAL Global Skip to content


GOAL entered Iraq in 2003 to provide short-term emergency response to communities affected by conflict. Returning in 2014, GOAL is registered in both Baghdad and the Kurdish Region of Iraq. Managing an operating budget of €239,000 in 2023, programmes are delivered both directly and through local partners. A country focused on recovery, GOAL's work is directed towards community resilience and livelihoods. Specifically, we aim to support sustainable, inclusive and stabilising change
by stimulating enterprise growth and agricultural production. 

What we do in Iraq

Emergency Response
Sustainable Livelihoods
Covid-19 Response

GOAL is always ready to react

Much of GOAL's early work in Iraq was focused around the delivery of crisis response activity. Following years of conflict and large scale displacement, our work is now focused on rebuilding and recovery. As part of this, GOAL is working to address social cohesion - delivering programmes designed to mitigate tensions between displaced populations and host communities. This work is delivered both as a direct service and through selected in-country partners. 

GOAL maintains the technical capacity and strategic partnerships to respond to emergency situations if they arise.

Opportunities in agriculture

Iraq’s complex humanitarian crisis has weakened the country’s economy, displaced millions of people and destroyed their livelihoods. As the country focuses on recovery, GOAL is working to identify market-driven opportunities, with agriculture set to become a primary growth sector. 

GOAL has undertaken in-depth assessments in sheep, dairy, horticultural and poultry value chains, as well as identifying new opportunities in non-agricultural, urban settings. We use this information to engage with stakeholders and develop adaptive, dynamic programme activity. This includes facilitated access to skills development, financial resources, market information and business grants. This helps people - particularly women - as they work to make the most of emerging opportunities.

GOAL's Covid-19 response in Iraq

In Iraq, GOAL has responded in refugee camps by providing latrines and handwashing and personal hygiene items. In addition, we have provided hygiene items including soap to more than 8,000 households. We have supported the dissemination of Covid-19 awareness and prevention information to 10,281 people and provided 1,700 people with access to clean, safe water.

Our achievements

  • 1,200 displaced families provided emergency financial assistance to meet vital needs while impacted by Covid-19 in 2021.
  • 12 municipal greenhouses established around Mosul following clearance of landmines and unexploded ordinance (UXO).
  • Provided emergency supplies, including non-food items, and financial assistance to over 4,500 people in 2021.

Our story in numbers


GOAL Iraq begins


Operating budget in 2023


Staff led from Dohuk


People reached in 2021

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